The Pull-Planner software is integral to large-scale projects like connecting sources of power and information to help meet the persistent, increasing demand for both energy and data worldwide. The Pull-Planner software enables project design teams to identify potential challenges in planned duct layouts and helps to assess required pulling equipment and accessories. Proper planning with Pull-Planner leads to lower cable installation costs, alleviates safety concerns and helps to build resiliency in underground cable installations in duct.
It is a go-to resource for project managers and engineers that design and plan conduit raceways and underground network systems. It accommodates different installation practices and field conditions including variable friction, rollers, reverse pulls, coefficient of friction back calculation, the use of push/pull devices and more! The software also allows the user to store a cable database of cable specifications and other project data.
Polywater’s latest Pull-Planner software is available for both power and telecommunications design engineers and cable installers. It now incorporates more cable jacket and conduit types commonly used in telecommunications networks. Early feedback from the telecommunications industry indicates that the use of the Pull-Planner helps to reduce cable installation design time and pinpoints areas of potential risk of cable damage.