Dust explosions pose significant risks. They can destroy facilities and cause fatalities and serious injuries. Dust may be a manufactured product, or a by-product generated during manufacturing, handling, storage, or waste disposal activities.
Examples of everyday combustible dust include agricultural materials – such as grain, pharmaceuticals, forest products, metals, organics and 3D printing.
The Hazardous Areas & Energy Safety Conference will cover dust hazard analysis procedures, providing an in-depth look at managing materials and activities in facilities with combustible dust. Case studies focusing on food and agricultural products will illustrate hazard identification and mitigation strategies for new and existing facilities.
Australia’s lack of significant dust explosion incidents has resulted in complacency towards combustible dust safety, with the prevailing “It won’t happen here!” mindset. The presentation will address combustible dust safety specialists’ challenges in Australia and discuss the need to change regulations and standards to overcome current complacency before disaster strikes.
Day Two will bring together industry leaders and experts to discuss the latest advancements, challenges, and best practices in ensuring safety across hazardous environments and emerging energy technologies. As industries continue to evolve, the need for robust safety strategies, regulatory compliance, and innovative solutions has never been more important.
This year’s program features various topics, from process safety in energy projects to advanced hydrogen safety considerations, the importance of international standardisation, and the risks associated with battery energy storage systems.
Attendees will gain valuable insights into navigating complex regulatory landscapes, enhancing risk management strategies and driving innovation in energy safety. The conference offers practical takeaways for the oil and gas, chemical processing, renewable energy, and industrial safety sectors. It will cover operational safety and compliance with local standards.