APTP Articles

Electrifying the Future in Australia’s First Major Battery Storage Project

The transmission and distribution of electricity is a critical sector, essential for supporting our daily lives and modern society’s functions. As power companies face increasing demand due to rising ownership of electrical devices—ranging from air conditioning units to communication tools like home computers and the internet—the importance of stable power distribution becomes even more pronounced.

Additionally, the expansion of electricity networks to accommodate new residential and industrial developments further underscores the need for reliability. Given the industry’s monopolistic nature and stringent regulatory environment, suppliers face significant challenges in delivering highly engaged and professional support that meets all expectations.

Synergy, Western Australia’s state-owned electricity generator and retailer, in collaboration with NHOA, has entrusted Genus Industrial Services with the on-site EPC delivery of a 100MW/200MWh battery storage facility at the Kwinana Power Station. This project represents the first major grid-connected battery energy storage system in Western Australia, a major step in the commitment of the state government to facilitate the integration of renewables on the grid for a cleaner future as part of the Energy Transformation Strategy, aiming to enhance the security and stability of Western Australia’s power system. Genus will oversee the project on a full engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) basis, including the onsite installation and interconnection of the system.

Delivering High-level Engineering

To meet the rigorous construction milestones set by Synergy, Genus sought suppliers capable of delivering high-level engineering, commercial, and logistical support. Nexans Australia, with its established reputation in the Australian electrical industry, emerged as the ideal partner. Nexans’ engineering team, supported by its state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Victoria, worked closely with Genus to ensure compliance with Synergy’s specifications and adherence to Australian and international standards. This collaborative effort led to the development of a precise wiring design that was manufactured and delivered within a stringent schedule, surpassing quality expectations while remaining cost-effective. The engineering support encompassed the design of cables for 0.6/1kV AC and 1500V DC applications, aligned with Australian standards. Simultaneously, Nexans’ Commercial Team negotiated a mutually beneficial agreement with Genus, effectively managing commercial risks and ensuring a favorable financial outcome for both parties. Upon finalising the design and engineering phases, production commenced at Nexans’ Lilydale, Victoria factory. Leveraging factory efficiency and prioritising customer needs, Nexans successfully delivered high-quality products on time, fully meeting the ambitious construction schedule.

As a pioneering leader and strategic partner in power transmission and distribution, Nexans is celebrated for its reliable cables and technical expertise, supported by significant production capacity. This commitment positions Nexans at the forefront of advancing Australia’s energy supply, driving progress towards a more connected future.

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