After six months’ preparation, on October 11, the 7th Energy Storage Australia Conference 2016 was held by China Decision Makers Consultancy (CDMC) in Melbourne, Australia.
As the most influential energy storage industry summit in Australia, the two-day meeting brought together more than 200 attendees including energy storage distributors, integrators, battery manufacturers, inverter manufacturers and the Victorian local government, power grid companies, as well as scientific research institutions and the media.

With the theme “Policy, Development, Case and Application”, more than 20 energy storage leaders shared their impressive opinions on this. Leading Energy storage industry insiders attended such as Tesla Energy, S&C Electric Company, Ausgrid, AECOM, Horizon Power, AGL Energy, Energy storage, Trinabest, Narada batteries, Power Science and more.

With the professional hosting of the conference chairman, Mr. Rod Hayes, CEO and chairman of Balance Services Group, more than 10 speakers from Horizon Power, the Clean Energy Council, Tesla Energy, Ausgrid and Trinabest expressed their deep and unique opinions about the current situation of market, subsidy policy, the latest technology and opportunities, solving method and so on. Tesla Energy, S&C Electric Company, Balance Services Group and other companies also shared their application cases.

This conference received support from Trinabest, Narada, Power Science, SolaX, East, KStar, Helios, Growatt, CLOU, and Tianneng Group. As organizer of this conference, China Decision Makers Consultancy (CDMC) has successfully held 7 energy storage meetings, 3 in Australia since 2013. It has been a very important Chinese and Australian energy storage enterprises’ platform for learning, networking and cooperation.

The participants from left to right in order: Mike Erskine from GHD, Stephanie Bashir from AGL Eenrgy, Tony Pfeiffer from Energy Queensland, Mike Giulianini from Redflow Limited, Hanqing Wu from Narada. They expressed their opinions on Australia’s Energy storage market present situation and prospects from the angle of power retailers and battery manufacturers.