FM approvals are globally available via qualified certification bodies that assure FM Approved products and services have been objectively tested and conform to the highest international standards. FM approved transformers provide higher safety protection, cost and environmental benefits and are widely used in defence, infrastructure, industrial and mining applications.
The transformer tanks built to this standard are capable of withstanding an internal pressure of 140 kPa for cylindrical type, 105 kPa and for rectangular type, without rupture and are equipped with pressure relief devices.
Increased fire safety
As many distribution transformers are installed near or inside buildings in urban areas or next to critical infrastructure, it is paramount to ensure that fire safety measures are taken to avoid catastrophic failures with long-lasting consequences.
FM Approved distribution transformers use approved ester dielectric fluids, both of which are classified as K-class fluids with a high fire point of >300°C. The FM Approved less flammable transformer fluids represent a low fire hazard and can prevent or significantly reduce the extent of damage in the event of a transformer failure.