Consider the circuit in Figure 1 consisting of a voltage source Vs with an associated system impedance Zs that is connected to a load consisting of a network of incandescent lights.
The voltage across the light network Vx is given by equation 1.
Vx = Vs – Zs I … (1)
A changing load current ∆I yields a change in voltage ∆Vx across the load which is proportional to the system impedance Zs given in equation 2. A fluctuating voltage across the light network will result in fluctuations in light intensity.
∆Vx = – Zs ∆I … (2)
Flicker describes the perceivable fluctuation of light intensity to the human eye. Its presence can lead to irritability, fatigue, migraines, loss of concentration and in some cases trigger epileptic fits in vulnerable people [2].
Causes of flicker are generally any large-draw varying loads such as electric arc furnaces, induction motors with high inrush currents, wind turbines and ovens etc.