Welcome to our brand new “You beaut” website and my very own BLOG!

It never ceases to amaze me at the speed of change in the technologies that are governed by the disciplines of electronics.
Twenty years ago, when my wife Jane and I started our first tightly focused magazine catering for the high voltage electricity market “Power Transmission & Distribution”, we had no idea of the massive changes we would have to handle and overcome to keep pace with the technology.
Each stage of production with the printer used to take in excess of one week to complete.
If all went well in an issue you were happy to get back a completed job from the printer in three or four weeks.
Today all tasks are completed in-house on fancy computers and the printer returns a final proof within two days.
The move to electronic magazines is slowly easing out the old hard copy version due, we believe, mainly to the high cost of printing and postage.
What started out as a good quality electricity magazine for Australian Engineers we now distribute to thousands of electronic readers to all corners of the globe.
I can only guess the next move in the technology, but it surely will be another nail in the hard copy coffin.
By keeping abreast of the latest offerings in website technology we have signalled our intention to continue the status we enjoy at present; of being able to produce magazines with highly valuable content that our readers can use as a reliable reference and enjoy.