The new GELPAG MSS fixed pattern switchgear delivers what has been previously un-achievable within the traditional indoor MV fixed pattern switchgear offerings. The successful result of extensive in-house research and development, the GELPAG MSS provides a unique viewing window for the electrical switching contacts. The GELPAG technology advancement allows positive identification by the operator of a successfully switched procedure, such as, a HV isolation (3 x opened contacts) followed by the making of the cable side earth switch (3 x made contacts).
Until now, the visual representation for the status for a three (3) positioned switch (CLOSED – ISOLATED – EARTHED) for an operator was limited to a “front of panel MIMIC” and accepted by industry as common practice. This was due to there being no other technology available prior the POWINS MSS which enables viewing of internal switch contacts. MIMIC indication does not provide a failsafe method of the visual indication of contacts, due to its absolute reliance on intricate linkages that move MIMIC indication flags or rotate MIMIC knobs dressed with stickers or lines, to aid in representation.