Blog Articles

A word from the Managing Director

Entering the publishing arena from a completely different world has allowed me the fortunate opportunity of comparing two professional work arena’s. Having spent most of my working career in large corporate companies in the Healthcare Industry, I always appreciated the open and free distribution of ideas, issues and solutions to various problems.
Unfortunately this does not seem to be the same in the Electrical Engineering world. From what I have seen, most companies, whom have overcome a problem or solved a rather intricate issue that has plagued them for some time, would prefer to keep this solution to themselves, unwilling to share and help fellow Engineers and would rather secret or squirrel away the information, perhaps for a better day, I’m not sure.
For mine, this is an extremely self centred ideology, especially when those same companies say to me, “wow, we love reading your magazines, they have so many insightful articles that have helped us over the years”!!
My challenge this year, to all companies across Australia, is to help educate your fellow Engineer through the sharing of your experiences, trial and errors. To make the Electrical Engineering community of Australia the envy of your international peers!